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TCPING (TCP로 핑체크를 해보자)



서버나 네트워크를 체크하기 위해 사람들은 PING 명령어를 주로 사용한다.


PING 명령어와 같이 직관적으로 TCP 포트를 체크할수있는 유틸이 있어서 사용해보았다.

나온지는 좀 된 유틸인데 PING과 같이 나름 간단하게 사용할수 있었다.

참고로 윈도우용이다.








파일은 하나이며 다운받은 사용은 간단하다 


다운 받은 폴더나 CMD 커맨드창에서 아래와 같이 입력하면 된다


tcping 도메인


C:\Users\administrator>tcping cloudv.kr

Probing 2×1.2×4.x.10:80/tcp – Port is open – time=0.779ms
Probing 2×1.2×4.x.10:80/tcp – Port is open – time=2.100ms
Probing 2×1.2×4.x.10:80/tcp – Port is open – time=0.919ms
Probing 2×1.2×4.x.10:80/tcp – Port is open – time=1.902ms

Ping statistics for 2×1.2×4.x.10:80
     4 probes sent.
     4 successful, 0 failed.
Approximate trip times in milli-seconds:
     Minimum = 0.779ms, Maximum = 2.100ms, Average = 1.425ms



tcping -h 도메인

 C:\Users\administrator>tcping -h cloudv.kr

** Requesting “” from cloudv.kr:
(for various reasons, kbit/s is an approximation)

Probing 2×1.2×4.x.10:80/tcp – HTTP is open – time=0.760ms rcv_time=4736.325 status=200 bytes=12051 kbit/s=~20.355

Probing 2×1.2×4.x.10:80/tcp – HTTP is open – time=1.800ms rcv_time=4669.655 status=200 bytes=12051 kbit/s=~20.646

Probing 2×1.2×4.x.10:80/tcp – HTTP is open – time=1.618ms rcv_time=4765.826 status=200 bytes=12051 kbit/s=~20.229

Probing 2×1.2×4.x.10:80/tcp – HTTP is open – time=1.602ms rcv_time=4672.393 status=200 bytes=12051 kbit/s=~20.634

Ping statistics for 2×1.2×4..10:80
     4 probes sent.
     4 successful, 0 failed.
Approximate trip times in milli-seconds:
     Minimum = 0.760ms, Maximum = 1.800ms, Average = 1.445ms
Approximate download times in milli-seconds:
     Minimum = 4669.655ms, Maximum = 4765.826ms, Average = 4711.050ms





tcping – simulate “ping” over tcp by establishing a connection to network hosts.

Measures the time for your system to [SYN], receive the target’s [SYN][ACK] and send [ACK].  Note that the travel time for

the last ACK is not included – only the time it takes to be put on the wire a tthe sending end.


tcping [-tdsvf46] [-i interval] [-n times] [-w interval] [-b n] [-r times][-j depth] [–tee filename] [-f] destination [port]


tcping measures the time it takes to perform a TCP 3-way handshake (SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK) between itself and a remote host.

The travel time of the outgoing final ACK is not included, only the (minimal) amount of time it has taken to drop it on

the wire at the near end.  This allows the travel time of the (SYN, SYN/ACK) to approximate the travel time of the

ICMP (request, response) equivalent.


-4 Prefer using IPv4

-6 Prefer using IPv6

-t ping continuously until stopped via control-c

-n count

send _count_ pings and then stop.  Default 4.

-i interval

Wait _interval_ seconds between pings.  Default 1.  Decimals permitted.

-w interval

Wait _interval_ seconds for a response.  Default 2.  Decimals permitted.

-d include date and time on every output line

-f Force sending at least one byte in addition to making the connection.

-b type

Enable audible beeps.

‘-b 1’ will beep “on down”.  If a host was up, but now its not, beep.

‘-b 2’ will beep “on up”.  If a host was down, but now its up, beep.

‘-b 3’ will beep “on change”.  If a host was one way, but now its the other, beep.

‘-b 4’ will beep “always”.

-r count

Every _count_ pings, we will perform a new DNS lookup for the host in case it changed.

-sExit immediately upon a success.

-v Print version and exit.


Calculate jitter.  Jitter is defined as the difference between the last response time and the historical average.

        -js depth

                        Calculate jitter, as with -j but with an optional _depth_ argument specified. If _depth_ is specified tcping will

                        use the prior _depth_ values to calculate a rolling average.

–tee _filename_

Duplicate output to the _filename_ specified.  Windows can still not be depended upon to have a useful command line 

environment. Don’t tease me, *nix guys.


Treat the “destination” option as a filename.  That file becomes a source of destinations, looped through on a

line by line basis.  Some options don’t work in this mode and statistics will not be kept.


A DNS name, an IP address, or (in “http” mode) a URL.

Do not specify the protocol (“http://”) in “http” mode.  Also do not specify server port via “:port” syntax.

For instance:   “tcping http://www.elifulkerson.com:8080/index.html” would fail

Use the style:  “tcping www.elifulkerson.com/index.html 8080” instead.


A numeric TCP port, 1-65535.  If not specified, defaults to 80.


-h Use “http” mode.  In http mode we will attempt to GET the specified document and return additional values including

the document’s size, http response code, kbit/s.

-u In “http” mode, include the target URL on each output line.

–post Use POST instead of GET in http mode.

–head Use HEAD instead of GET in http mode.

–get Shorthand to invoke “http” mode for consistency’s sake.

–proxy _proxyserver_

Connect to _proxyserver_ to request the url rather than the server indicated in the url itself.

–proxyport _port_

Specify the numeric TCP port of the proxy server.  Defaults to 3128.


tcping returns 0 if all pings are successful, 1 if zero pings are successful and 2 for mixed outcome.


Please report bugs and feature requests to the author via contact information on http://www.elifulkerson.com


tcping is available at http://www.elifulkerson.com/projects/tcping.php



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