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Nope Nivida, Intel® HD Graphics를 지원하는 신경망 라이브러리

Nivida의 신경망 소프트웨어 라이센스 Locking에 저항하는 이들을 위해
반가운 소식을 들었다.  

지난주 Deepmind가 구동이 되는 독립구동형 TPU가 공개되었고 바둑용 인공지능 알파고가 
세계최고의 프로바둑선수 커제에 3:0 완승을 거두었다.  이 또한 성능향상을 위해 별도의 하드웨어 
인 TPU를 선 보였다. 


Google TPU




이에 반해 intel은 내장 HD그래픽카드를 통해 구동되는 clDNN이라는 신경망 연산 라이브러리를 공개했다.
내장그래픽카드에서 동작하므로 별도의 하드웨어 구입이 필요없다는 것 또한 희소식중 하나이다.









System Requirements

clDNN supports Intel® HD Graphics and Intel® Iris® Graphics and is optimized for

  • Codename Skylake:
    • Intel® HD Graphics 510 (GT1, client market)
    • Intel® HD Graphics 515 (GT2, client market)
    • Intel® HD Graphics 520 (GT2, client market)
    • Intel® HD Graphics 530 (GT2, client market)
    • Intel® Iris® Graphics 540 (GT3e, client market)
    • Intel® Iris® Graphics 550 (GT3e, client market)
    • Intel® Iris® Pro Graphics 580 (GT4e, client market)
    • Intel® HD Graphics P530 (GT2, server market)
    • Intel® Iris® Pro Graphics P555 (GT3e, server market)
    • Intel® Iris® Pro Graphics P580 (GT4e, server market)
  • Codename Apollolake:
    • Intel® HD Graphics 500
    • Intel® HD Graphics 505

clDNN currently uses OpenCL™ with multiple Intel® OpenCL™ extensions and requires Intel® Graphics Driver to run.

clDNN requires CPU with Intel® SSE/Intel® AVX support.

The software dependencies are:

  • CMake* 3.6 or later
    (the project is compatible with CMake 3.1, but, due to issues with boost libraries resolution in CMake 3.4.3 and with CheckCXXCompilerFlag module in CMake 3.5.2, we strongly recommend 3.6+)
  • C++ compiler with partiall or full C++14 standard support compatible with:
    • GNU* Compiler Collection 5.2 or later
    • clang 3.5 or later
    • Intel® C++ Compiler 17.0 or later
    • Visual C++ 2015 (MSVC++ 19.0) or later

Intel® CPU intrinsics header (<immintrin.h>) must be available during compilation.

  • python™ 2.7 or later (scripts are both compatible with python™ 2.7.x and python™ 3.x)
  • (optional) Doxygen* 1.8.13 or later
    Needed for manual generation of documentation from inline comments or running docs custom target which will generate it automatically.

GraphViz* (2.38 or later) is also recommended to generate documentation with all embedded diagrams.
(Make sure that dot application is visible in the PATH environment variable.)

The software was validated on:

  • CentOS* 7 with GNU* Compiler Collection 5.2 (64-bit only)
  • Windows® 10 and Windows® Server 2012 R2 with MSVC 14.0

We have validated using Intel® intel-opencl-r4.1 (SRB4.1) Linux driver package.



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